Monday 1 June 2015

You can´t control everything.... never do 

something permanently  foolish

just because you are temporarily upset.....

....You can´t control everything....


Sunday 31 May 2015

H e a l ....

I was a dreamer....

before you went and let me down

My silence is my way to heal

I`m gonna stay and fight back my nightmare

I was a dreamer...

before you went and let me down

My scream is my way to heal

I am gonna stay and fight back my shadow...

I was a dreamer before you went

 and let me down, 

I am gonna rise again

 you know..


Saturday 30 May 2015

Promise me....

,,, P r o m i s e  m e 

Promise me you`ll find a way back to me

and I hope that you`ll stay this time....

I wait for you my light in the sky...

Take care !

- Anki

Tuesday 3 March 2015

F a i t h ....

Faith is taking the first step,
even when you don´t see the whole staircase...

- Martin Luther King Jr.

- Anki -

Thursday 19 February 2015

Simplest Things....

Even the
Simplest things can be beautiful.....

Wish you a Lovely day!


Tuesday 3 February 2015

With longing....

When the thermometer drops 
and the storms raging across the field
in all directions wild and uninhibited
just like my longing for summer 
and long nights...

I yearn now for warmer days
where we again runs barefoot on 
the trail....


Monday 2 February 2015

Be strong....

Don't give up, 
cause you have friends.
 Don't give up, 
you're not beaten yet. 
Don't give up, 
I know you can make it good. 

Rest your head, 
you worry to much, 
I know it's going to be alright 
- when times get rough, 
you can fall back on us .

